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Reddit Community Spotlight [October-2020-4 ]

Community Spotlight


  • We can’t imagine a better time to put a spotlight on r/gratefuldead as they near 100k members. Of corpse we wish them the best of luck.


  • The factual and the fantastical have joined forces for your Halloween edutainment! That’s right: r/fantasy and r/AskHistorians partnered up to run an AMA series that looks into the history behind some of your fantasy and sci-fi favorites and web dev r/How to Choose Managed WordPress Hosting


  • Speaking of history, this time-traveling meme community ran their First Annual History Meme Olympics, and they’ve just crowned the winners. What a frightfully creative idea!


  • Congratulations to r/gtaonline for hitting 800k members this month. Gourd for you! (Can you tell we’re starting to run out of Halloween puns?)


  • And on a wholesome note, a big shout out to r/FamiliesYouChoose for their rapid growth over the past year. This lovely community serves as a virtual online family for anyone and everyone seeking stronger family bonds.

Last but not least, several subreddits hit 1 million subscribers this month! This is a big accomplishment, so a huge incantation of congratulations to r/web hosting providers
r/BiggerThanYouThoughtr/skyrimr/PoliticalDiscussionr/CFBr/FreeEBOOKSr/TooAfraidToAskr/Privacyr/ADHDr/Survivalr/fightpornr/MachinePornr/FuckYouKarenr/photocritique and r/shoestring!