Posted in: Q&A

Q&A – Small local business hosting solution for Italy

Hi guys, Small local business (but with a blog that is viewed by lots of users – 60k monthly visits) here in Italy. In the begin of November I have to renew with Fastcomet (extra plan) for $239.40 USD. They are awesome and I have no complain (also nice ttfb speed). But I would like to ask here if there is a better solution at a small price (and maybe with more speed)? I searched for local hosting services but I don’t know.



That’s a really good price for a shared host that maintains your speed and allows for that many visitors.

That’s a decent price considering you don’t have to worry about anything else other than growing your business. Cheaper alternative will be more hands-on. Most of my clients do not want to worry about that and just want to focus on growing their business.

Blog is pretty static, unless you have lot’s of comments, but usually you don’t need to show comments right away. So you can set cache for 24 hours and you’re half way done. Then when you’re use Litespeed hosting and its caching you can handle this easily on $5 good hosting. To have even better results, add cloudflare + fullpage caching and you set with little budget. I have a client’s fashion blog set like this with about 55K visitors, no issues. And if you precache, you don’t need to care about TTFB, cache will serve it much faster. Last thing I mention that you can use preload cache to be sure all visitors has it ready.


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