Posted in: WORDPRESS

How to Quickly Build a WordPress Blog Locally

WordPress is the most popular blogging system on the Internet, and one-quarter of the world’s websites are built using WordPress. And it is very SEO friendly and very popular with users.

We all know that WordPress is usually built on a server. If you want to build WordPress on a local computer (Windows, Mac), the configuration is quite troublesome.

This article will introduce how to quickly build WordPress on your local computer with some tools.

A series of tutorials on building a website:

Why build WordPress locally?

For beginners, you may not want to buy a hosting plan or VPS to set up at the beginning, or just want to try the WordPress experience first, then it is best to build WordPress locally to practice.

For veterans, especially those who “love tossing”, sometimes they want to make some changes to the website, modify the template, plug-in code, etc., and conduct experimental tests in the local environment to avoid problems affecting the website. of normal operation.




XAMPP is the most popular PHP development environment. It integrates Apache, MariaDB, PHP and Perl. It is ready to use and can easily install the applications we need on the local computer.

Official website: XAMPP
Platform: Windows, OS X, Linux

1. Download and install

Open the official website, select the appropriate version to download and install.

2. Enable

After the installation is complete, open the software and click “Start” to start Apache and MySQL.

Then, open a browser to visit http://localhost , the XAMPP welcome page appears, which means the service is running normally.

3. Create a database

In the XAMPP control panel, click the MyAQL “Admin” option, open phpMyAdmin, and create a new database wp.

4. Download WordPress

Download the WordPress program zip package from the WordPress official website, unzip it and rename it to testsite. Move to the htdocs folder in the XAMPP installation directory.

5. Install WordPress

Open the URL in the browser: http://localhost/testsite (testsite is the name of the folder where the WordPress website is located), follow the prompts to install WordPress.

After completion, you can enter the website dashboard.



Database default username: root, no password;
WordPress dashboard address: http://localhost/testsite/wp-admin/
Website address: http://localhost/testsite

XAMPP starts when it is turned on as a service, and it is ready to use when it is not used as a service;
When uninstalling XAMPP, the data will be cleared. If you need to back up the website data, you can manually copy the website directory.

Through XAMPP, you can quickly build a website environment on the local computer. You only need to copy the program files to the website directory, and it is not limited to WordPress. Other website applications can also be easily completed. It is very good for learning website construction, testing website effects, etc.!