Posted in: Q&A

Having switched from SiteGround to Cloudways, I get the SiteGround 404

I have another issue that’s driving me around the bend that I hope you knowledgeable folks can help with. Having switched from SiteGround to Cloudways a couple of weeks ago my Safari and Chrome browsers persist in resolving to my old IP which throws up an invalid certificate warning. When I override the warning I get the SiteGround 404 not found page. I’ve tried everything, flushing everything and anything down the toilet. Certificates, cache, clearing DNS cache, etc, etc. Firefox does the same once in awhile but eventually resolves properly to Cloudways. This issue is restricted only to my main work computer. Other machines resolve correctly.My dns is hosted on Cloudflare CDN. Any ideas out there?



This could be due to your work machine being connected to your work’s DNS servers, which could be caching the old IP for long periods of time. You can see if you can switch your work machine to Google’s DNS, but it is more than likely locked down. You may also be able to reach out to your IT department to see if they can flush the DNS cache on their internet revolvers.

Use cloudflare, as they have another IP in front of your machine IP which doesn’t change. So next time you swap your site to another machine or host, you won’t have DNS lag issues like this. Meanwhile you need to flush your browser and cache. You can find out how on YouTube.

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Seems like the Cloudways IP has not propagated properly. Confirm if you did all of the below (and redo it if you already did)
1) Changed the A record to the Cloudways Server IP and removed the old A record?
2) Set a CNAME record for www to your Domain name?
3) In CW application setting -> Domain Management, changed the domain name to your actual domain name?
4) In CW Application setting -> SSL certificate, regenerate the certificate with both www and naked domain name.

Follow all these steps and the check again with I have seen even the ISP caches the old IP. Domain changes usually take 2-78 hours, so patience is the key 🙂

Use a different network connection if you can. Its most likely network related and should clear up in 2-3 days in my experience.

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It’s amazing to me that this error persists. I can’t imagine how the IP in question keeps resolving to the wrong address. I’m sure it’s a problem localized to this particular machine. Everything works fine on my other PCs, tablets, phones, etc. Proxy servers also find the correct IP.

Did you modify your computer’s host file to point the domain to the old IP? That is something that you may have done during troubleshooting in the past and missed out in removing it.

Firefox probably works because it doesn’t use your PC’s DNS resolver anymore. Recent versions ship their DNS requests off to specialized DNS servers over HTTPS so that people can’t tell what domain names you’re looking up.


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