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I heard that CDN (like Cloudflare) makes copies of your website on different servers

Hello,I got a question: I heard that CDN (like Cloudflare) makes copies of your website on different servers around the world and delivers the website from the closest server to that visitor so it can load faster. If it is so, then does the hosting still matter? If the website is delivered from Cloudflare servers and not from your own can you see any improvements when upgrading the hosting?
Thank you!



It caches the static files (CSS, JS, images, and optionally HTML) on their edge servers from your origin server… it doesn’t really make a copy of the site, which includes executable PHP files etc. Good hosting speeds means it rebuilds it’s cache faster and more efficiently (using persistent connections), vs timing out and then reporting site errors etc.

Generally a CDN only delivers the static contents like Images, JS and CSS. You can of course use CloudFlare’s Cache Everything feature (or even better, QUIC.Cloud CDN which is only available for LiteSpeed users) but as they have so many PoPs around the world, you will need a lot of traffic from various locations to pre-fetch the contents and warm up the various PoPs so the first load is always from your server. Besides that, any dynamic contents like WordPress Admin, login pages, contact form, shopping cart, etc will always be accessed from your server and they can never be cached.


Also, It depends ,If you subscribe to Cloudflare Business at 200 USD per month, you probably don’t want to save 20 USD going for budget hosting.The host still matters as the CDN only serves some of the files to the user. Your host does still serves files and affects load speed.

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